Get Involved
Your time makes all the difference! Come give some at our projects and events.
Be involved and make a difference.
Frequently Asked Questions.
Since LIFT is a registered NPO with Art 18 A and B status, we can issue a tax certificate when a corporation/company donates either money or items.
To donate R100 or more per month is an easy way for individuals who want to make a difference, but does not have a one-time bigger amount of money available. Contact to ask about a monthly debit order.
100% of your donation goes to the cause you chose.
Not everybody wants to receive updates and feedback, but we are so willing to keep you updated with info on what we used the money for, how the project is developing and what the impact is on the community that we serve.
100% of the money that is used to empower and improve the lives of the residents of Woodlane Village is donated by companies or individuals with the specific purpose of uplifting the lives of the people in Woodlane Village. Not a cent of the money donated to the church is used for the projects.